Saturday, October 17, 2015

Noodleheads Are The New Zombies

Noodleheads are taking over the world. You know whom I mean; those people we formerly referred to as those whose “elevator doesn’t go to the top floor.”  For example the following are ACTUAL questions from attendees at a meeting to vote on the possibility of purchasing an old bowling alley for renovation as a church.

“Don’t you think people will trip in the alley gutters while walking to their seats?” 

“Will I need to wear bowling shoes so I don’t slip on the lanes getting to my pew?”

“Will kids be allowed to bowl during the church service?”

Key word here people is, RENOVATION!!! Which for noodleheads means what is presently there will be gone, demolished, repurposed.

If I had been at this meeting…(age has brought me the wisdom to avoid this kind of event)…after the moderator had stated, with pictures, over and over how the building was being gutted and remodeled into a church sanctuary, I would’ve snapped and asked the following questions.

“Will there be drugs (prescription or illegal) handed out to people who ask ridiculous questions?”

“Will there be cotton candy and beer served during the sermon?” (I would so attend that church.)

“Can we reinstate stoning like they did in biblical times?”

“How about a come in your birthday suit Sunday once a month?”

And since you’re wondering…yes, I was asked to leave a meeting once for posing those kinds of questions, while the noodleheads got to stay. So unfair!

Therefore, I feel totally qualified to say that groaning and growling zombies look pretty good next to babbling noodleheads.

Friday, October 16, 2015

You Can't Make This Up,,,Well I Could…But I Didn't

Read in our local paper about two guys who got in an argument over who stole coffee filters. One pulled a knife on the other, with a cop watching from the sidewalk (now that’s what I call bad luck). The moron ended up in jail and must post $15,000 cash bond and agree to refrain from drinking or possessing alcohol before being released. I was relieved to read alcohol was involved; otherwise that assjack would have to admit his family tree hadn’t forked in a few hundred years.

The story got even better, so hold your jiggly parts, as you won’t believe where the fight, and theft, occurred ---- on a church campus.  Holy Bible Batman! Stealing and fighting at church!

The knife-puller said he was smaller than the other guy so he was forced to pull his knife. However, when the “big” guy saw the knife, he simply punched the other in the nose. I love it! See knife, insert fist.

Thanks to using a knife this genius may have ten years to sit in government housing and think about why the saying never bring a knife to a gunfight should also include a fist-fight.