Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Conversation with George last night

Me: Am I hard to be married to?

George: Ahhhhhhh….no honey, you’re a delight.

Me: Was that sarcasm?

George: Never dear. Each moment I spend with you makes my life better.

Me: I KNOW that was sarcasm.

George: Mind if I ask what brought this up?

Me: Our daughter said the reason you’re cranky is because you’re married to me.


Me: I thought she was kidding, but then I got thinking.

George: Oh shit.

Me: You have to fix all my tech problems. You call the Internet, TV, and utility companies when there’s a problem since they all have restraining orders against me. And I do ask you lots of questions about all kinds of things.

George:  I’m happy to answer your questions, if I hear them. You just speak so softly sometimes I don’t hear you.

Me: And I did run over your drill when I put my car in the garage.

George: I was in the middle of repairing the door opener.

Me: Then I realized I’m always happy and smiling so maybe you’re right…I am a delight.

George: Every day, honey. Every freaking day.

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