Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Winter arrived and so did the first Pass Pissed Off event

Winter arrived in its usual fashion last week. And so did the usual suspects who think they are such good drivers they don't need snow tires or chains.  Not having these is like trying to sail from Hawaii to Los Angeles in an inner tube. You can try all you like, but you're NEVER gonna make it.

This is what happens at the bottom of the Pass...
…when people break the law and drive without snow tires or chains at the top of the pass. Yes, those two cars with headlights are STUCK and blocking the road.

There were a dozen cars stuck and blocking the road by 7 a.m. This required the Pass to be closed until they could be towed out. FOUR HOURS those people in the above picture at the bottom of the Pass were left sitting in their cars waiting and not getting to work. Most are hourly workers and were losing money because of douche donuts who don't obey the Chain law (snow tires or chains required).

 I heard through the "snow vine" that a couple of the cars stuck were ones who get stuck regularly. I guess they are hoping that doing the same dumbass stunt over and over they will eventually get a different result. Mother Nature always wins on this Pass. And while snow continues to pile up this winter so do fines and tow-out bills these yahoos get. They could buy not only the snow tires required but also, a trip to Cabo and a year's supply of beer with the money they spend on fines and tows.

Call me crazy, but fines obviously don't work. So I'm proposing if you are stuck, blocking traffic on the Pass more than once WITHOUT snow tires or chains on the car, the fine is paying all the lost wages for those unable to get to work due to road closure you caused.

That just spewed out of my brain and is a freaking awesome idea. Goes to prove getting mad isn't worth the time, but getting even…a whole other matter. I'm pretty sure every one of the people in those cars above would vote for my law!

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