Thursday, April 16, 2015

Things That Freak Me Out - Volume One

There is something inherently wrong with Tomato Juice.  It begins heading south with the color – too red when served straight, and moves into the orange-pink zone when you make a Bloody Mary. Worse than the color is the gooey texture and thickness. It’s just not right.  There is a reason the drink was named Bloody Mary, and I’m sure it has something to do with a horse and carriage accident.  I read that Mary went for a ride one Sunday afternoon hoping to see the handsome Prince who liked to swim in the calming waters of a mountain lake.  His guards spooked Mary’s horses as the carriage neared the lake and they raced up the cliffside until they tumbled over the edge, plummeting to the lakeshore below.  Poor Mary splatted everywhere, and when the Prince saw her mangled body he was so distraught he called to his manservant to bring him a Vodka.
            It’s plain to see why the sight of Tomato Juice freaks me out, and I may have to call my manservant for Vodka.
            Another freakish occurance are those green screens the meteorologists stand in front of to do their weather forecasts.  Aliens.  It’s the only explanation.  I’m sure it’s a plot by the government to convince us there is a scientific explanation for why the weather map appears on your TV, but in the studio is only a green screen.  I’m not buying their story.  It’s just another load of crap to cover the truth.  If I believe the green screen theory, then I’d have to believe Congress really is in session more than one day every four years, and that they actually accomplish something other than spending my future social security.
             Those self-checkout machines at the grocery store totally freak me out.  They never read the bar code correctly, last week one tried to charge me $43.12 for a banana.  And don’t even bother waiting for your change, because the damn thing isn’t coughing it up.  The little checker inside has already taken your change and gone to the Subway for lunch. 
            One of the big box stores in our area just put in new self-checkout machines.  You scan the item, put it on a conveyor belt and it runs the item through a glass enclosed box before spitting it out the other end.  IF you’re lucky.  I scanned the item, put it on the conveyor belt and red lights started going off, sirens blared and four security guards showed up.
            “Step away from the machine lady,” the guard said looking down the barrel of his double-ought shot gun.
            The other guard looked at the printout. “I see you were trying to steal a TV, by putting a pack of gum on the belt,” he said as he picked up the offending gum on the conveyor belt.
            I looked at the printout. “Yep, that’s right, the read-out says the item is a $3000.00 HD TV, you got me.  I stuck the 60-inch screen in my bra.  Wanna search me?” 
            I hate when you open a bag of shredded cheese and it’s all wet.  Two days later it will be a glob of molded rubber.  How can something that tastes so good, turn into a tire patch for my mountain bike?  I think the Dairy Association is holding secret meetings in Mootown on ways to create more money by making my cheese wet and my milk sour before it hits the grocery shelf. If I can buy organic milk and cheese that has an expiration date of six weeks, then why can’t I buy full-of-preservatives-and-antibiotics milk  and cheese that lasts longer than it takes me to get to my car after I pay for it?
             George uses one of those Bluetooth earpiece phones.  The obvious freakish thing here is why isn’t it a “Blue Ear” instead of a Bluetooth?  I was so confused by this when I went to the doctor for an earache, I pointed to my ear and said my tooth hurt.  He upped my loony toon meds. That point aside people using these phones simply look like they belong in the state mental hospital.  You know who I’m talking about…those whack-attacks walking through stores talking to themselves.  I don’t believe for a minute they’re talking on a phone.  It’s a disquise so they can talk to their various personalities and pretend they are normal.  I don’t need an earpiece to talk to all the voices in my head.  I’m proud to be multi-tasking and willing to admit it.

            The thing that freaks me out the most is when I drop something and it rolls under the stove.  I have heart palpitations just thinking about if I really need to retrieve it.  I swear the portal to the underworld is under my oven.  If I stick my fingers under it to get the runaway olive, a Being will grab me and pull me in.  I know this is true, because I saw it once.  That otherworldy Being sucked my little brother into the void when he went for his animal cracker.  Some people may try to tell you I’ve always been an only child. They are just afraid to admit the existence of the portal and the real reason I don’t have a brother.

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