Monday, May 30, 2016

GPS is for entertainment purposes only!

“I think the GPS is pissappointed with us.” George said.

“What the heck is that?”

“She’s both pissed and disappointed we aren’t following her directions.”

“Maybe we’d listen to her if she wasn’t such a G.P.S.” I said.

“Giant Piece of Shit?” 


“I even updated her before we left, and she still can’t find her way out of a toilet roll.”

“Glad we’re not rolling with her directions.”

George rolled his eyes. “Maybe your sarcasm has pissed her off.”

“I have a right to be sarcastic. She’s tried to route us into a car wash twice.”

“The car does look like it’s been in a mud wrestling tournament.”

“I like my car that way.” I said. “It lets everyone know we are adventurers not mall rats. Besides, what’s your excuse for her trying to send us off the highway miles from any exit?”

“Maybe she needed to pee.”

“That’s all you got?”

“It’s usually your excuse.”

“I also use a map, which obviously she doesn’t.” I looked at the map at the same time Princess Pissapointment told us to exit in one mile. “We’re going to Denver, and she just told us to turn south toward Santa Fe.”

“I like the detour.” George said.

“Except she’s assuming we’re in some kind of boat-car since the road dead-ends in a lake.” I reached up and turned her off.

“Hey, why’d you do that?”

“Because, I’m not going to end up on the news like the lady who followed her GPS directions right into a bay.”

“You’re always worried about being in the news,” George said. “I’m beginning to suspect you’re in the Witness Protection Program.”

We drove in silence for an hour.

I couldn’t take the boredom any longer and turned the GPS back on.

George smiled. “Why’d you turn her back on?”

“I’m pissappointed that I actually miss her.”

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