Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Some days not even a tranquil mountain can fix my stupidity.

Son-of-a-whoha!  That makes the fifth time today I said that. I can’t explain my day except to blame it on sunspots. It all started when I turned the corner going down the stairs and banged my thigh into the bannister.

Next, I managed to run into a misplaced crate at a store and cut the shit out of my leg, which proceeded to bleed like a severe head wound. Did I wise up and go home? Hell no, I went to the post office where going in the door I caught my shirt sleeve on a metal piece that stopped me in my tracks, spinning me around till I was now headed out instead of in.  I can think of no other reason the Post Office installed this stupid-designed door with a protruding metal piece (albeit rounded off for my safety), than to screw with me.

I decided it was time for lunch and walking into the restaurant proceeded to whack the front of my hand really, really, really, REALLY hard on a chair (two hours later the stinger still hurt and my hand was numb).

You’re thinking surely she was smart enough to call it a day and go home…nope; I went to the bookstore where I tripped on a rug and stumbled into a bookcase hitting my head. I guess for me either fifth time’s a charm or the whack on the head knocked some sense into me.

At least I finally wised-up; unless you count that once home I stepped on the cat and fell head first onto the couch.

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