Saturday, June 6, 2015

Promise #257…I will stop screwing with the idiots at the power companies.

A couple months after we moved into our house a representative from the electric company called concerned because the electric bill had decreased from $600 a month to $150.  WTH!

I told her, “I have monkey-like feet so I climbed the power pole, hooked a new line into the transformer, slid down the line like Spiderman, and then disconnected the meter box.”

“That action is illegal,” She said reading from what sounded like a bad B-movie script.

 Is she on medication?  “Well gee ma’am we hook the meter up one week a month so you get some money.”

Silence ensued while she tried to find the answer in her script to my response.  “You can’t do that.”

Oh for heavens sake, that’s the best response she could come up with.  “Look lady you interrupted my busy day (I was watching The Price is Right) to either: 1) demand I use more electricity or 2) accuse me of stealing it.”

“Ma’am your usage is not normal and we need to know why.”  What the banana fart! Do we now have electricity Nazi’s requiring us to remain addicted to their expensive power grid?

“No, what’s not normal is the six snowboarders who lived here before us and ran a broken down electric furnace 24/7 with half the burners not working and also had enough grow lights to illuminate New York.”

“It is nice to have lots of plants.” OMG, she really is dumb. I’m starting to feel sorry for her, which is never a good sign.

“I could hook you up with those dudes and you could buy lots of beautiful plants from them.  I hear you can even cut the plant and throw it in your fireplace this winter and it will make your house smell festive for company. If you like to bake, you can put their plants in your brownies too.” I know I should feel bad about my behavior and try to be a better person…ah hell, who am I kidding?  “You could even plant your own and then sell them.”

“That would be lovely.  Maybe some day I’ll have the extra time.”

Damn, my conscience (I hate that little guy).  “Look, the reason our bill is so much lower is we do not use the broken electric furnace at all, we heat with a wood stove.  And there is only two of us, not the six dudes and their girlfriends living here.”

“That makes sense. And I will consider getting more plants for our house.” She said. “Have a nice day.”

“You too, and don’t forget the grow lights.”  OMG I am going to hell.

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