Tuesday, June 21, 2016

George has never met a light he could turn off

“Are you going back into the bedroom?” I asked George.

“Of course.”

“Soon, or are you referring to a time when an alien life form with 17 feet, nine eyes and four brains invades earth?”

“Sarcasm doesn’t turn off lights.” George said.

“Apparently, neither do you.” I flipped the switch off. “And how did you know I was talking about a light being on? Maybe I wanted to play a little bed hockey.”

“Would the light be on or off for that?”

Why did I even ask? Normally, I do a quick walk-through the house after George leaves. I get absolutely giddy when my stroll turns up only one light left on.

Last week I almost had a stroke when my walk through yielded all lights turned off. I started to walk back upstairs from his office, when one of the numerous voices in my head said, “check the garage.” Sure as shit…the light in the storage room was on.

Ahhhh, it’s good when all is right in your world.

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