Thursday, June 9, 2016

If you need proof how R.A.N.S.E.D. people can be…visit Yellowstone.

It’s been a bumper crop year for law-breaking RANSED’s in Yellowstone. Many of these geniuses are voting Americans; the rest prove RANSEDitiy is a global problem. Excuses for global visitors have been offered that they don’t speak our language or understand our laws. Ring the buzzer Drew…The Price is not Right!

It’s your responsibility to know! Oh shit, there’s that word! (I read there’s a movement to have the word responsibility removed from the dictionary, since it’s already removed from society.)

Personally, I’m tired of excuses for RANSED behavior. Shut your pie-hole…there are NO excuses. Everyone entering Yellowstone is given a warning flyer. (The one pictured is given to non-English speaking visitors.) Plus, there are universal signs all over the Park.

So far we’ve started touron (tourist moron) season with the I-know-best-guy that picked up a baby bison and put it in his car, “because it was cold.” Next were the people who even after all the national news coverage of the bison did the same thing with a baby antelope…and afterwards said they’d do it again. Now that is a super-duper RANSED. (Wait for it…definition coming soon.)

My favorite were the four RANSEDs from Canada who took pictures of the warning signs, and then proceeded to post pictures of themselves breaking that law.  Arrest warrants were issued and these chicken shit RANSED losers ran for the border…hopefully, never to be allowed back in the US again.

While these few made national news there are hundreds of infractions occurring each day.  I witnessed a lady who told her young kids to climb on a bison so she could take a picture. When I, and several others, told her these were wild animals and could kill her children…she informed us we were liars trying to scare her children, as the government would NEVER allow dangerous animals to be loose in a Park.  No shit! An American, born and raised believed that.

In one of the souvenir shops I witnessed two kids laughing while opening the protective plastic on numerous $50 each bear pepper sprays. Wanton felony vandalism!!!!! An employee told the parents their kids had to stop destroying merchandise; the packaging was for safety since it was dangerous if they sprayed it on themselves or others. The father created a scene stating he was a lawyer from New York and he’d, “own this park and everything in it,” if his kids were hurt in any way since it was the Park’s responsibility to keep them safe. That monkey ass RANSED wins the award in the, take no responsibility and sue everyone else for my actions category.

 Guess what sphincter brain…no one was impressed.

We’ve seen people standing a few feet from giant bull elk having their traveling companions take photos of them with the animal. We try to tell them it is extremely dangerous.  I’ve heard everything from, “don’t care,” to “no speak English,” to “you dumb fucker can’t tell me what to do.” It’s always a pleasure to have foreign visitors insult you when you’re trying to save their life.  Other countries call us ‘Ugly Americans’ for our bad behavior…hey dudes; I got news for you, we’re not the only humans who behave badly…spend a day in Yellowstone if you want to see some worldwide inclusive RANSED behavior!

Last year 52,000 warnings were issued. WTF, someone take the warning pads away and make Rangers issue real tickets that require immediate payment. It’s 2016 people…easy peasy to do, and you’d basically cure the problem in one season. The Parks need to get some gonads!

Also, if I read one more Facebook comment from some pansy ass who says to get over it, the perpetrator apologized, I say we all show up at their house every night, bang on the windows, stomp on their gardens and vandalize their property, then apologize and tell them to get over it.

One thing is for sure: cell phone videos make it easy and fun to expose these assjacks. You can post their RANSED actions on social media, let everyone go to work commenting, while you send a copy to the Park Service in case these knuckleheads end up hurt through their own actions and try to sue the Park, there’s proof they were warned numerous times and chose to be a douche donut.

Finally, here it is for those of you who hung in there with me…


Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to get back to youtube as there’s a great video of a lady who got to close to an elk and it charged and rolled her RANSED law-breaking butt.

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